Woman Tells Anton It's Men's Fault We're Getting BBL's, Becoming Side Chicks Blame Black Men?

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Black Women Say They Still Dislike Trump, Black Men Not Being Fooled By Democrats Anymore, Walk Away

Will Smith's Assistant Through Him Under The Bus For Peanuts and Clout… Dwayne Martin Ain't Safe 😳

Ladies Don't Want To Accept the Truth From Anton That Men Don't Intentionally Cheat, Black Women Do

Why Would Men Marry Women That Gave The Best of Themselves Away Anton Says Marry Is Crazy Now 🤔

Women With BBLs Think We'll Wife Them, We'll Just Buss Them Down, Anton Talks Reality With Ladies

Men Need To Spend $800 On a First Date With Me Women Are Using Men In Miami For Their Money 🤔

Tukay Tells Woman You Don't Need a Man With Money, You Need Leadership, Being Pretty Isn't Enough

Make Sure Women Consent, Record Her Signing the Paperwork Anton Says Men Have To be Careful Now

T.I. Being a Hypocrite Trying To Cancel Charleston White Was the Final Straw

Women Don't Want Good Men, They Want Bad Boys In a Suit Anton Says You're Not Worth Good Guys 😂

IS IT HARD NOT TO CHEAT as a MILLIONAIRE and if I've always been faithful