Belief or Understanding: Why Can't Startups Have Both? — The

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My first job out of college was working at a consulting firm called Markowitz & McNaughton Inc. (MMI) in the DC area. We did primary market research for our clients, mostly Fortune 500 and similar international firms. Essentially, this meant calling customers, competitors, suppliers, and oth

This site supports a book, The Titanic Effect: Successfully Navigating the Uncertainties that Sink Most Startups. In this book, we explore the set of human, technical, and market factors that combined to result in the sinking of the Titanic, one of our most tragic historical maritime disasters. We draw on lessons learned, as well as case studies of successful and failed businesses, to show similar patterns for entrepreneurial ventures–and how hidden debts accumulated early in the life of even the most promising startup can subsequently sink them. We then offer suggestions for the entrepreneur on how to identify and manage these hidden debts.

Belief or Understanding: Why Can't Startups Have Both? — The Titanic Effect