Researchers See Signs of Chronic Stress in Polar Bears' Blood

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Abnormally long fasts linked to melting sea ice may be pushing polar bears to their limits.

Stress in Polar Bears - Forschen, Handeln

How do polar bears eat when there's no sea ice? Not well, study

Current state of knowledge on biological effects from contaminants

A risk assessment review of mercury exposure in Arctic marine and

Polar bears could be struggling to catch enough prey, study shows

Sea ice-associated decline in body condition leads to increased

Skin biopsies from affected and unaffected polar bears captured in

Canada's Oceans Now: Case Studies from State of Canada's Arctic

Global warming could see most polar bears disappear by 2100

Distinct gut microbiomes in two polar bear subpopulations

How do polar bears eat when there's no sea ice? Not well, study

Scientific Field/Discipline Zoology

Stress in Polar Bears - Forschen, Handeln